
Publications (97)

As of 05/2024, in reverse temporal order. Most have full-text access via NCBI. Links to most of the full text copies are also available on under “Publications”.
J: Journal, P: Patent, C: Conference, BC: Book Chapter, O: Other.

Patents (1):
[J21] Subasi A, Tuncer T, Dogan S, Tanko D, Sakoglu U "EEG-based emotion recognition using tunable Q wavelet transform and rotation forest ensemble classifier," Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal, Vol 68, 102648, July 2021. [landmark paper on ML application to emotion recognition, #citations=110+]
[J20] Cetin O., Seymen V., Sakoglu U "Multiple sclerosis lesion detection in multimodal MRI using simple clustering-based segmentation and classification," Informatics in Medicine Unlocked Vol .20, 100409 1-10, Elsevier (2020).

Peer-reviewed, Presented and Published Conference Proceeding Papers (14) and Abstracts (56):
[C70] Londhe K, Dharmadhikari N, Zaveri P, Sakoglu U, "Enhanced Travel Experience using Artificial Intelligence: A Data-driven Approach, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE), UPES, Dehradun, India, November 2023 (2023). 
[C69] Sakoglu U, Mishra A, Gopinath K, Crosson B, Haley RW, "Classification of Gulf War Illness Patients vs Control Veterans Using fMRI Dynamic Functional Connectivity," Proc. 30th Annual Meeting of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), May 2022: .
[C68] Sakoglu U, "An Algebraic Nonuniformity Correction Algorithm for Hexagonally-Sampled Infrared Images: A Simulation Study" was presented at the IEEE Annual International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September 2021: .
[C67] LeVan P and Sakoglu U, "Methane gas leak quantification employing infrared sensing at suspected leak sites" was presented at the Society for Optical Engineering's (SPIE) Annual Infrared Sensors, Devices and Applications Conference as part of the SPIE Annual International Optics+Photonics Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 2021: .
[C66] Sakoglu U, "Algebraic nonuniformity correction for infrared imagery using a hexagonal coordinate scheme" was presented at the Society for Optical Engineering's (SPIE) Annual Infrared Sensors, Devices and Applications Conference as part of the SPIE Annual International Optics+Photonics Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 2021: .
[C65] Sakoglu U, Bhupati L, Petrenko O, Calhoun VD, "Adaptive space-filling curve for improved feature selection from fMRI brain activation maps: application to schizophrenia classification," Proc. 29th Annual Meeting of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), May 2021: .
[C60] Sakoglu U, Bhupati L, Beheshti N, Tsekos N, Johnsson L, "An Adaptive Space-Filling Curve Trajectory for Ordering 3D Datasets to 1D: Application to Brain MRI Data for Classification," International Conference on Computational Science 2020, Amsterdam, NL. 
[C59] Reveriano F, Sakoglu U, Liu J, “Facial Expression Recognition: Utilizing Digital Image Processing, Deep Learning, and High Performance Computing,” peer-reviewed conference paper and presentation, ACM Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC), July 28th - August 1, 2019, Chicago, IL. [paper pdf]

